Sunday, October 12, 2008

Gas Mask Project

These images are from a project I did last Spring. It was sparked by the gas mask. I found a gas mask in an army surplus store and knew then and there that I had to photograph it. The project took on a life of its own from there. I wanted to show images where the times and circumstances were questionable. I was hoping that my audience would ask questions about when these photos where meant to have been taken. Did they reflect the past, present, or future? I also wanted to distort the time line through the acts taking place within the photographs. Ordinary and day to day activities were depicted all with the subjects/ models wearing one gas mask or another.

In the end I had many pictures to choose from. I ended up presenting only 20 images and here I have decided to show you only a few of those final photos. I spent a lot of time on this project, so much so that it began to take on a life of its own. What came of it was not only my original idea but also realms of fantasy, humor, and fashion. These images are all those different areas, some overlap and some stand on their own.

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